Hindi movie song (Ankhiyon ke jharokhon se)

This old movie song since 1978 is super hit song Ankhion ke jharokhon se

Directed by- Hiren Nag, Produced by-Tarachand Barjatya, Written by-Vijendra Gaur,  Star-Sachin and Ranjeeta, Music by-Ravindra Jain in Rajshri productions In 16 march 1978.

This is the Hindi language in India, song dedicated to My love ones by this blog!

Here is Translation you can enjoy friends!!

“O! dear one, when I saw you through my eyes.I saw you far, I saw you very far when

I closed my eyes and sat thinking  I saw you smiling in my heart,

I saw you smiling through my eyes I had a heart but now

I am losing that I feel restless after meeting you I am sitting ignoring everything just for you let life just pass like that,

let life pass you through my eyes I live looking at you,

I die for you wherever you are my love, my world is there only my heart asks for blessings for your day and night let flower of our hopes not wither away through my eyes

since when I am painted in the color of your love I having been sleep while awake and I am being woken up while asleep that someone may snatch my lovely dreams my heart shudders at this thought O! dear one,

when I saw you through my eyes”

Happy weekends.

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